Malaysian-born English actor and Television presenter Henry Golding (Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins, Crazy Rich Asians, The Gentlemen) was in Sri Lanka filming for BBC's The Travel Show.
For the first story, to find out just how much the end of Sri Lanka's decades-long ethnic war had opened up former conflict areas to tourists, Henry travels to the North of the country. Taking the newly re-opened "Yal Devi" train service from Colombo to Jaffna, he discovers the beauty of the Sri Lankan countryside and learns about Tamil culture.
He also decides to find out more about endangered sea turtles who come every year to lay their eggs along the coastline of Sri Lanka. Henry's next stop is Rekawa, in Southern Sri Lanka, where he gets to see a rare sight: a female turtle laying her eggs under the cover of night. Later, he visits a Turtle conservation project in Kosgoda, where he volunteers for a day. Here, he sees turtles up close and learns about the challenges facing turtle conservation.
The Travel show is the BBC's flagship travel programme and is broadcast weekly on BBC World News and BBC Two. The show has weekly viewing figures of around 80 million, with a potential reach of 300 million, and is broadcast in over 200 countries and territories worldwide. Delon Weerasinghe was the location fixer for this show and all filming permits and logistics were arranged by The Dreamforge (Pvt) Ltd.